Surveys - SOWINE®

SOWINE Studies

SOWINE Surveys is the branch of SOWINE dedicated to providing business intelligence in the wine and spirits sector through a full range of industry studies and trend analyses produced by our team.

SOWINE Surveys fulfills two requirements for players in the wine and spirits industry:
> We produce specifically tailored qualitative and quantitative studies whose results are presented in an accessible, comprehensible fashion.
> We work with clients to appropriate these results and facilitate the subsequent decision-making process by providing perspective, interpreting results, and outlining recommendations according to the unique situation of each client.

Surveys works with internal talent and specialized market research companies to carry out a full range of studies that are specifically tailored to meet client needs:

+ Market studies / Barometers
+ Media watch and thematic analysis
+ Surveys / Panels
+ Social Listening
+ Ethnographic studies
+ Trends analyses
+ Brand heritage research
+ Semiotic studies

For more information about our rates, please contact